
Two projects Finished!!

2010 Bowl #1 Posted On
Posted By Dave Hickman

Project Number One

I’ve been working on a quilt hanger for several months. It was supposed to only take a week or two. All went together pretty well. But then it all came to a screeching halt when the stain would  not get as dark as expected.

Lesson learned – Don’t use a light colored wood when you want a dark colored outcome.

So, after many coats of stain and several coats of wipe of poly the quilt hanger is done. Sue couldn’t wait to hang it.

Quilt hanger
Quilt hanger #1 w/ quilt
Quilt hanger w/ quilt

Project Number Two

2010 Bowl Number one is complete. This is the bowl previously shown but it  needed the foot turned and finish on the foot. I think this one turned out well.

Redwood burl with a salad bowl finish.

2010 Bowl #1
2010 Bowl #1
2010 Bowl #1
2010 Bowl #1

Some additional info:

Some folks have been asking why turn bowls with green wood. There are several reasons:

  • Its much easier to turn green wood. The water content acts as a lubricant and allows the tools to cut without as much friction.
  • The tools cut cleaner. In turning jargon not as much tear-out, so you get a smoother surface.
  • Its difficult to find large hunks of dried wood that have not split in the drying process.

There may be other reasons but these are the most important. But this brings up some issues that arise when turning green wood.

  1. You don’t turn it to its final shape. the wood will warp and change shape while it looses moisture. So you “rough” turn the bowl so it has a uniform thickness that allows the water to slowly exit the wood in a controlled manner.
  2. You need to seal the end grain to control the speed of water release. Water will escape from end grain more quickly then side grain so by sealing the end grain it all dries at the same speed.
  3. Checks or cracks form very quickly. If you don’t take precautions it can start as your turning the bowl.

Below are a couple of cut offs that sat on the shop floor. The cracks you see may appear small but they radiate through the thicness of the wood.

Drying wood can be tricky
Drying wood can be tricky

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