Pilgrimage to the Lumber Mill

Several of upcoming projects required some wood I did not have in the shop. So off to the Lumber Mill it was.

Hicksville Lumber Mill is unique in several ways — It is owned my Mennonites; is known in the surrounding area for their low prices; carry a wide selection of lumber; can make almost anything wood-wise. In the many years I have been going there I have never seen it not busy. There is always a hub-ub of activity. In fact all the trim and hardwood floors for our house came from this mill. They have many species of hard and soft woods and even some exotics on occasion.

To expedite matters, (it was snowing Sat morning) we asked where they had the Cherry.

Finding the stack we foraged through the pile to find the correct widths and boards that weren’t warped. Had them planed down to 3/4 and one good side cut.

All in all it was a good trip to the mill (as most are to the lumber mill). 13 board feet of Cherry and I even got a cut-off of mahogany for free that I can use for some small turnings.
(Well if it wouldn’t be for a bad weather forecast – this would have been a wonderful trip. As it ended up driving back was very dicey and we were wishing we had postponed it for another day.)